What to Expect at Camp
On the first night, each of the teachers will introduce themselves and explain the path/class they will be teaching for the week. Each morning, the class/path you have chosen meets from 9.30 to 12.30. You stay with the same class all week, as the work you do follows through each day. In the afternoons, your affinity group will meet for an hour after lunch. These groups are formed on Monday. This group is a place for you to share and get emotional support, create art, or whatever your group chooses to focus on. Afternoons are also a time for optional offerings from our teaching staff and our many talented campers. Nighttime is when the whole camp comes together for our evening rituals. Witchcamp has a different theme and story each year, and this theme and story are what the nighttime rituals are built around. One of our nights will be saved for the ever-famous Talent Show. We also offer other nighttime activities, a dance party, and a more erotic dessert night. (Plus other spontaneous shenanigans.) Together we will participate in a magical journey of spiritual and personal growth.